All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,

          Greetings on this Wednesday of Holy Week!  I pray that all the many Winter Residents heading back north this week have traveling mercies and arrive at their destinations safely.  Have a great spring and summer and prayerfully we will see everyone back next year to worship with us again. 

Attention Please!!  On Saturday April 6th, 2024, at 8:30AM Trinity Lutheran Church will be having a volunteer workday.  Anyone can come and help spruce up the place as there are many little projects that need to be done.  Many hands make light work.   Come on out and have some fellowship and help with some projects here at the church.  Thanks! 

            Please remember our worship schedule this week is as follows;

                   Maundy Thursday 4:00PM, Christ on Trial Witness Simon Peter, W/Holy Communion and Stripping of the Altar. 

                   Good Friday          4:00PM, Christ on Trial Witness Summary

                   Easter Breakfast     8:15AM, Trinity Life Center

                   Easter Festival Worship     10:00AM with Holy Communion and some surprises. 

          There is no Sunday Morning Bible Study until further notice. 

Have a great remainder of your Holy Week! 

Rev. Richard A. Norris

Trinity Lutheran Church

25 Lakeview Street

Lake Placid, Florida 33852


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