All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,
Good Monday Greetings to each of you! Well tomorrow is Election Day! Below is a word of encouragement from our Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison. He wants to encourage all members to take their privilege as a Christian and a Citizen of the United States seriously. He is encouraging each of us to vote. Now I voted early, and many others have voted early or voted by mail, which is great. But if you have not voted take the time Tuesday to go and vote your heart and Biblical principles. Please if you have not voted take the time to read through this letter and pray the prayer that is included. I used that prayed in Sunday worship and now you can make it your own. Additionally, you may want to read through perhaps for the second time the attached PDF file that explains the Johnson Amendment which deals with Churches speaking to politics and elections.
I have attached Mike Bardon’s study guide for Bible study.
I have also attached my sermon for LWML Sunday which is this Sunday!
Rev. Richard A. Norris
Trinity Lutheran Church
25 Lakeview Street
Lake Placid, Florida 33852
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